TESDA offers aquaculture courses on farming aquatic organisms like fish and plants. Covering basic to advanced topics, learners gain a comprehensive understanding of the field, exploring aquaculture as a livelihood and food security means.
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These courses equip participants with knowledge and skills for sustainable practices. Hands-on training and expert guidance prepare learners for industry challenges. Whether you’re new or experienced, TESDA provides valuable insights and practical experience.
What is Aquaculture?
Aquaculture, or aquafarming, is the controlled farming of aquatic life like fish, shellfish, algae, and valuable aquatic plants.
Aquaculture NC II can offer numerous benefits, particularly for those interested in the aquaculture industry. Here are some benefits:
- Gain specialized skills in aquaculture techniques, improving job prospects in the industry.
- Access hands-on training from experienced professionals, enhancing practical knowledge.
- Learn sustainable and innovative aquaculture practices, contributing to environmental conservation.
- Enhance business opportunities by understanding market trends and operations in aquaculture.
- Obtain a TESDA certification, recognized nationally, which can boost career advancement.
Aquaculture (Tilapia Culture) NC II Course
The Aquaculture (Tilapia Culture) NC II course includes skills needed to help with tilapia farming, set up and maintain facilities, run hatcheries and nurseries, and manage grow-out operations.
Units of Competency
The competency units for this qualification include:
- Participate in workplace communication
- Work in team environment
- Solve/address general workplace problems
- Develop career and life decisions
- Contribute to workplace innovation
- Present relevant information
- Practice occupational safety and health policies and procedures
- Exercise efficient and effective sustainable practices in the workplace
- Practice entrepreneurial skills in the workplace
- Apply safety measures in farm operations
- Use farm tools and equipment
- Perform estimation and basic calculation
- Conduct pre-operational aquaculture activities
- Operate tilapia hatchery and nursery
- Perform tilapia grow-out
Career Opportunities
A person with this Qualification is competent to be:
- Tilapia Farm Technician
- Tilapia Culturist
- Tilapia Grower
Training Duration
- 37 Hours (Basic Competencies)
- 72 Hours (Common Competencies)
- 580 Hours (Core Competencies)
- 80 Hours (Supervised Industry Learning – SIL)
Total: 769 Hours
Trainees or students interested in enrolling in this course should meet the following qualifications:
- Ability to read and write
- Proficiency in oral and written communication
- Capability to perform simple computations
This list excludes specific institutional requirements such as education, work experience, and other criteria set by the school or training center for the TVET program.
Aquaculture (Hatchery Operation) NC II Course
The Aquaculture (Hatchery Operation) NC II Qualification teaches skills to operate a hatchery for species like milkfish, carp, silver perch, snapper, freshwater prawn, tiger shrimp, and pompano. It involves preparing facilities, treating water, sourcing cultures, scaling up, managing broodstock, feeding, monitoring, transferring, and harvesting fry.
Units of Competency
The Units of Competency in this Qualification include the following:
- Participate in workplace communication
- Work in team environment
- Solve/address general workplace problems
- Develop career and life decisions
- Contribute to workplace innovation
- Present relevant information
- Practice occupational safety and health policies and procedures
- Exercise efficient and effective sustainable practices in the workplace
- Practice entrepreneurial skills in the workplace
- Apply safety measures in farm operations
- Use farm tools and equipment
- Perform estimation and basic calculation
- Conduct preparatory activities
- Produce natural foods
- Conduct broodstock management and spawning
- Manage feeding and maintaining
Career Opportunities
A person who has achieved this qualification is competent to be:
- Hatchery Farm Worker
- Hatchery Operator
- Hatchery Technician
Training Duration
- 37 Hours (Basic Competencies)
- 72 Hours (Common Competencies)
- 77 Hours (Core Competencies)
- 80 Hours (Supervised Industry Learning)
Total: 266 Hours
If you’re a trainee or student looking to join this program, you’ll need:
- Basic communication skills
- Basic math skills
Aquaculture (Grow-Out Operation) NC II Course
The Aquaculture (Grow-Out Operation) NC II course covers skills for selecting and preparing sites and ponds, conducting nursery operations, producing aquaculture commodities, and managing post-production. It includes cultivating aquaculture species in brackish, freshwater, and marine environments, excluding tilapia and seaweed.
Units of Competencies
The Units of Competency comprising this Qualification include the following:
- Participate in workplace communication
- Work in team environment
- Solve/address general workplace problems
- Develop career and life decisions
- Contribute to workplace innovation
- Present relevant information
- Practice occupational safety and health policies and procedures
- Exercise efficient and effective sustainable practices in the workplace
- Practice entrepreneurial skills in the workplace
- Apply safety measures in farm operations
- Use farm tools and equipment
- Perform estimation and basic calculation
- Conduct site selection and pond preparations
- Perform nursery operations
- Produce aquaculture commodities
- Carry out post-production activities
Career Opportunities
A person with this Qualification is competent to be:
- Aquaculture Worker
- Grow-out Operator
Training Duration
- 37 Hours – Basic Competencies
- 72 Hours – Common Competencies
- 301 Hours – Core Competencies
- 410 Hours – Supervised Industry Learning (SIL)
Total Hours – 490 Hours
If you’re a trainee or student looking to join this program, you’ll need:
- Basic communication skills
- Basic math skills
To register for the course, you must submit the following documents:
- PSA Birth Certificate
- High School or College Diploma
- Certified True Copy of Official Transcript of Records or Form 137
- Certificate of Good Moral Character or GMRC
- 1 x 1 and/or 2 x 2 pictures
For further information, kindly contact the enrollment site that aligns with your specific requirements. Please bear in mind that the specific prerequisites may vary.
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TESDA Aquaculture courses equip you with essential skills for a career in aquaculture, focusing on fish farming and hatchery work. With TESDA certification, pursue roles like farm worker or technician. Enroll now to broaden job opportunities and gain a foundation for starting your own aquaculture business. Learn sustainable practices, entrepreneurial skills, and safety measures for successful ventures. TESDA offers nationally-recognized certifications, enhancing job prospects locally and internationally.