In today’s modern era, acquiring a National Certificate (NC) or Certificate of Competency (COC) is increasingly vital. These certificates serve as a testament to an individual’s expertise and knowledge in a specific field, opening doors to numerous job opportunities.
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However, what if your certificate becomes damaged? Although it may be frustrating, there is a solution. The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) offers replacement certificates for those that have been damaged. This means that all your hard work and dedication in earning that certificate will not be in vain due to a minor accident. Rest assured, TESDA has your back.

Benefits of Replacing a Damaged NC/COC
Replacing damaged NC/COC offers several benefits, including:
- Improved performance: A new NC/COC replacement can restore the functionality and efficiency of the system or device, ensuring optimal performance.
- Enhanced safety: Damaged NC/COC components may pose safety risks. By replacing them, potential hazards can be eliminated, promoting a safer environment.
- Cost savings: Timely replacement of damaged NC/COC can prevent further damage or failures, reducing the need for costly repairs or replacements in the future.
- Extended lifespan: Replacing damaged NC/COC can help extend the overall lifespan of the equipment or system, maximizing its value over time.
- Improved reliability: With new and undamaged NC/COC in place, the reliability of the system or device can be significantly improved, minimizing unexpected failures or downtime.
By considering the benefits of replacement, it becomes evident that addressing damaged NC/COC is crucial for optimal performance and longevity.
What are the Requirements Needed for the damaged NC/COC Replacement?
Required Documents:
- Request Letter
- Original Non-Criminal Certificate/Certificate of Clearance
- Photograph (1 piece, colored, passport size)
Make sure to include the relevant documents when requesting for a replacement in your National Certificate (NC) or Certificate of Competency (COC).
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Application Process: Step-by-Step Guide
STEP 1: Visit the TESDA-issuing office for your NC/COC and request a replacement.
STEP 2: Provide the following required documents:
- Letter of Request
- Original NC/COC
- One colored passport-sized photo
STEP 3: Claim your NC/COC on the designated date provided by the TESDA issuing office.

Obtaining a National Certificate (NC) or Certificate of Competency (COC) is Essential, as these certificates serve as tangible proof of expertise and knowledge in a specific field. The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) offers replacement certificates for damaged ones, ensuring that your hard work and dedication do not go to waste. Replacing damaged NC/COC certificates provides a multitude of benefits, including enhanced performance, improved safety, cost savings, prolonged lifespan, and increased reliability. The application process entails visiting the TESDA-issuing office, submitting the necessary documents, and collecting the replacement on the designated date.
Contact Information
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
Office Address: BLDG 8, TESDA Gate 2, TESDA Complex, East Service Rd., South Superhighway, Taguig, Metro Manila.
Email Address:
Telephone Number: 8887-7777
SMS Hotline: 0917-479-4370 (text only)
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