List of TESDA-Accredited Furniture Making Training Assessment Centers

Furniture making is a complex craft requiring skill, creativity, and attention to detail. Using materials like wood, metal, and upholstery, artisans create functional and beautiful pieces.

Proper training and assessment are essential to ensure high-quality furniture production. TESDA works closely with various institutions to offer accredited training programs for different trades, including furniture making.

List of TESDA-Accredited Furniture Making Training Assessment Centers

List of TESDA-Accredited Training Assessment Centers for Furniture Making

Here is the list of list of TESDA-Accredited Training Assessment Centers offering Furniture Making NC II course:

Cherwai School of Skills, Inc.

  • Sector: Furniture and Fixtures
  • Qualification: Furniture Making (Finishing) NC II
  • Accreditation #: AC-FIN0214322325007

Don Bosco Technical College – Cebu, Inc.

  • Sector: Furniture and Fixtures
  • Qualification: Furniture Making (Finishing) NC II
  • Accreditation #: AC-FIN0207222426180

As of now there are only two TESDA-accredited furniture making training and assessment centers in the Philippines. However, TESDA continuously works on expanding its network of accredited institutions to offer more opportunities for individuals interested in pursuing a career in furniture making.


Furniture making is a skilled craft requiring proper training. TESDA, with various partners, offers accredited programs to equip individuals with the necessary skills. With its expanding network, more opportunities are available for aspiring furniture makers. If you love creating beautiful furniture, consider enrolling in a TESDA-accredited program today!

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